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The Ann MacKay Bursary


Recognizing Ann's 20+ years of dedication to the Bluewater Education Foundation (and its predecessor, the Inspired By Nature Campaign), the Foundation is proud to offer the Ann Mackay Bursary to a student in Bruce or Grey County, who will be beginning or continuing their studies in education or an environmental field at a post-secondary institution.


This bursary will be a minimum of $1000, but may be more, depending on fundraising efforts.


The application for this bursary will open every year on the Saturday of the Victoria Day long weekend and close on the Monday of the Canada Day long weekend, with the winner announced by July 15th at the latest.


Before her retirement from the Board of Directors of the Bluewater Education Foundation in 2022, Ann MacKay was active in raising funds and inspiring her fellow board members to dream of a better, more financially stable Outdoor Education Centre. From the beginning of the Inspired by Nature Campaign, which initiated in 1998 and fully launched in 2003, raised more than $1.5 million to build the Lodge and the Bruce Power Classroom buildings at the OEC.

Ann’s investment in the centre began when her children attended in grade 6 for their overnight visit; she became involved to ensure that her grandchildren will have the same (or perhaps a better) opportunity. Through her years on the board, she led the development of our longest-running and most successful fundraisers, including our partnership with Pelee Island Winery and the very popular Fall and Spring Fling events.​


We would like to honour Ann with the creation and maintenance of this bursary, to make sure that those who attend the OEC and go on to learning in or taking care of nature have the opportunity to pursue their studies, in hopes that they will bring those skills back to share with the youth of Bruce and Grey Counties.

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